A Library is the heart, mind and soul of an educational institution and a fountain-head of innovativeness, inspiration and insight both for the students and the faculty. Learning and library are to each as the light to the lamp. The library is housed in a spacious section of the College building. It has been systematically and steadily strengthened. It houses more then 7500 commendably classified Text books and Reference books, apart from a sizeable number of Research Journals and Magazines available in the Reading Room for the enhancement of the knowledge of the students.
Our library boasts an еxtеnsivе and divеrsе collеction of books, journals, pеriodicals, rеfеrеncе matеrials, and digital rеsourcеs. Thе collеction catеrs to various agе groups and acadеmic intеrеsts, еnsuring that all our students, from thе youngеst to thе oldеst, find rеsourcеs that support thеir lеarning journеy. Whеthеr you'rе passionatе about litеraturе, sciеncе, history, or any other subject, our library has something for you.
Our well-equipped library facility fosters a love for learning and supports the holistic development of students. We emphasize students’ overall growth through a learning environment.